Health and Social Care Training – 2014
A partnership has been formed between Umul Qura School and a local hospital in order to deliver health and social care training to the pupils. The local hospital has agreed to allow a member of staff to visit the school on a weekly basis so that they could deliver lectures and the pupils have been given the opportunity to visit the hospital on a weekly basis to get some hands on experience. The students have enjoyed the experience a great deal and they feel that they have gained a range of skills which they could apply to their everyday activities. The director of the hospital has commended the governors of the school on the great work that they have achieved during the short period that they have been open and he is keen to explore further avenues for collaboration.
Umul Qura School would like to thank the staff at the hospital, the governors of the school, the teachers, pupils and all those that have made this training a possibility. The students are already using the knowledge that they have gained from their training course and it is hoped that we can increase the scale of this programme so that many more students can also benefit.